Moderator: Rian O Connell
- Conor Lowe
- I've got alot to say for myself
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*cough cough* JOSH MORRIS!! *cough cough*
- JoshMorris2011
- Na na na na na na Nash Nash
- Posts: 177
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Sorry? I dont swim! Thats not my forte! 
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Have I ever mentioned that I love ZET Raptors??? Just sayin'
- StephenODea
- Big Man On The Board Now
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Somehow your the only person josh I've multiple videos of wrecking themselves on rapids 

- JoshMorris2011
- Na na na na na na Nash Nash
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Thats because im trying shit im in no way shape or form mentally ready for! [FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY] I'll get around to it soon enough just a bit lazy! 
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Have I ever mentioned that I love ZET Raptors??? Just sayin'
- StephenODea
- Big Man On The Board Now
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Kerry new years and Wales are definitely the best time for those overdue booty beers!
- JackPhelan
- I've got alot to say for myself
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stephenodea wrote:Kerry new years and Wales are definitely the best time for those overdue booty beers!

Phone: 086 322 9783
- StephenODea
- Big Man On The Board Now
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Get back on topic

Get back on topic

Last edited by StephenODea on Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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- Diarmaid_Moloney
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Name: Diarmaid
Location: the flesk
Date: 29 of December 2015
shitty Excuse: I was wrecked from the night before and it was my birthday so I fecked up to give the drysuit its first good test and let the flesk give me a birthday beating.
Person requiring rescue drinks: I swam in to a eddie, but Keyes got my boat and Mac stern carried me across the river.
Emotional Issues: first swim since Wales last January it was a bit of a beating.
Bootie beer: will do it on new years eve in Kerry.
I believe Josh Morris has a few bootie beers and swimmer files, some people still from the Alps, a few other people too from kerry,
Location: the flesk
Date: 29 of December 2015
shitty Excuse: I was wrecked from the night before and it was my birthday so I fecked up to give the drysuit its first good test and let the flesk give me a birthday beating.
Person requiring rescue drinks: I swam in to a eddie, but Keyes got my boat and Mac stern carried me across the river.
Emotional Issues: first swim since Wales last January it was a bit of a beating.
Bootie beer: will do it on new years eve in Kerry.
I believe Josh Morris has a few bootie beers and swimmer files, some people still from the Alps, a few other people too from kerry,
- doyler1596
- Insert Rank Comment >Here<
- Posts: 124
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Can't believe you blamed it on the drink......
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Craig Doyle
- EoinHoward
- Yeah I got a few posts
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Name: Eoin Howard
Location: Black Valley
Date: 2& of December 2015
Shitty Excuse: dislocated my shoulder
Person requiring rescue drinks: farrell, mac, keyes
Emotional Issues: Missing paddling in Dongal and all the other days in Kerry
Bootie beer: na haven't done it yet
Location: Black Valley
Date: 2& of December 2015
Shitty Excuse: dislocated my shoulder
Person requiring rescue drinks: farrell, mac, keyes
Emotional Issues: Missing paddling in Dongal and all the other days in Kerry
Bootie beer: na haven't done it yet
- mmmm_scandalous
- Too Many posts you should SLLLOWW-DOWWNN!
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Location: Owenreagh, black valley, Kerry
Date: One of those blurry Kerry New Years days.
Shitty Excuse: Completely underestimated how hard I was going to smack the rock.
Persons requiring rescue drinks: Everyone!! Jack and Mac for their rope work. Keyes for hoping on the rock and helping me out. Kevin Cahill for pulling my boat and paddle in. A rescue slab of Heineken was bought to say thanks!
Was happy to be paddling with a solid crew that day!
Emotional issues: Fair loved that bit of excitement! Just at the top of the rapid I was thinking the day was going a bit stale. A solid pinning livened everyone up!
Bootie: No thank you. Although a fŭck up funnel may have to be done.
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Date: One of those blurry Kerry New Years days.
Shitty Excuse: Completely underestimated how hard I was going to smack the rock.
Persons requiring rescue drinks: Everyone!! Jack and Mac for their rope work. Keyes for hoping on the rock and helping me out. Kevin Cahill for pulling my boat and paddle in. A rescue slab of Heineken was bought to say thanks!
Was happy to be paddling with a solid crew that day!
Emotional issues: Fair loved that bit of excitement! Just at the top of the rapid I was thinking the day was going a bit stale. A solid pinning livened everyone up!
Bootie: No thank you. Although a fŭck up funnel may have to be done.
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Eyjafjallajökull Eyjafjallajökull consists of a volcano completely covered by an ice cap. The ice cap covers an area of about 100 square kilometres (39 sq mi), feeding many outlet glaciers. The main outlet glaciers are to the north; Gígjökull,
- Eoghanc
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Swim 1
Name: Eoghan
Location: Castleconnel (370 cubits from parteen though)
Date: Decemberish 2015
shitty Excuse: Well, Conor was coming towards me for a tee after I rolled on a wave. I rolled up be we were kinda heading towards trees. Kinda messed up on the next waves though.
Person requiring rescue drinks: Jack and Mark
Emotional Issues: Many, not related to the swim though...
Bootie beer: Diarmaid has a video somewhere I hope. Guinness from my old sailing booties.....
Swim 2
Name: Eoghan
Location: Gearmeehan, Black valley
Date: New Yearsish
shitty Excuse: Well. There was this tiny, really not a problem for anyone drop. But I rose to the occasion and didn't boof in the slightest and then I was swimming all of a sudden.
Person requiring rescue drinks: Mark, Derv, Brian (I think....)
Emotional Issues: I got over previous anxieties from the castleconnel and was getting a little too confident for my own good. If anything this swim was good for me.......
Bootie beer: I went for a two for one... My booties are really bad....
Name: Eoghan
Location: Castleconnel (370 cubits from parteen though)
Date: Decemberish 2015
shitty Excuse: Well, Conor was coming towards me for a tee after I rolled on a wave. I rolled up be we were kinda heading towards trees. Kinda messed up on the next waves though.
Person requiring rescue drinks: Jack and Mark
Emotional Issues: Many, not related to the swim though...
Bootie beer: Diarmaid has a video somewhere I hope. Guinness from my old sailing booties.....
Swim 2
Name: Eoghan
Location: Gearmeehan, Black valley
Date: New Yearsish
shitty Excuse: Well. There was this tiny, really not a problem for anyone drop. But I rose to the occasion and didn't boof in the slightest and then I was swimming all of a sudden.
Person requiring rescue drinks: Mark, Derv, Brian (I think....)
Emotional Issues: I got over previous anxieties from the castleconnel and was getting a little too confident for my own good. If anything this swim was good for me.......
Bootie beer: I went for a two for one... My booties are really bad....