Fun School Project

Stuff that isn't involving getting wet here (nights out, fundraising etc)
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Joined: Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:08 pm

The idea of the project is to have QR codes fixed to a tourist walkway above the gorge. The QR codes can be scanned by a mobile phone and are linked to youtube videos. The walkers can get a kayakers POV and hopefully it will inspire someone to take up the sport!

Videos show just a fraction of my home run. It's ten minutes drive away. Beautiful, beautiful gorge!

Video quality it not good because it was made for YouTube and to be played on mobiles.
Eyjafjallajökull Eyjafjallajökull consists of a volcano completely covered by an ice cap. The ice cap covers an area of about 100 square kilometres (39 sq mi), feeding many outlet glaciers. The main outlet glaciers are to the north; Gígjökull,
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