Alps Song Game 2018

Everything related to our Alps trip this year

Moderator: StephenWatkins

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Big Man On The Board Now
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Well boys and girls its finally that time of year.

If you dont know the tradition we play a game on every international trip we go on where we each pick a song anonymously and it gets added to a playlist which will be the only thing we listen to during the entirety of the trip.

You can do one of three things when picking a song:
1) Pick an absolute banger
2) Pick an absolutely atrocious song just to annoy everyone
3) Be like Katie Reidy and think your song is class when its absolute cat.

At the end of the trip we play a non alcoholic beverage drinking game where a song will be played and some one will be asked to guess whos song it is. It is imperative that you do not tell anyone your song no matter who they are. If i get any notion of someone after breaking silence on their song ill purposely ruin the game for ye by asking the person you told their song. (Amy and Tom I'm looking at ye).

Ill be the only one who knows what songs you have so make it good. Its a long auld drive to the alps! Ill also have a few categories such as best song, worst song, omg what a bland song also. There may also be wild card songs where I will get notable people not on the trip to pick a song.

If at any stage before the booklet is made and you wish to change your song message me and ill change it.

Please have this filled out by the 7th of May as it is the deadline and I will not be taking any more songs. Tough shit if you didnt pick it in time.

Heres the link for filling out the form:
The Fresh Prince of Kildare.
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Hi lads,

I'm not going but I have a banger can I put it in to keep ye buzzing on the banter bus?

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Big Man On The Board Now
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Fire away Dan
The Fresh Prince of Kildare.
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Big Man On The Board Now
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5 Days left lads
The Fresh Prince of Kildare.
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