I had a chat with someone over the weekend about that game of interesting questions where you find out stuff about your friends that you never knew before, and we were remembering some really good questions that were asked in the past.
Sometimes it's pretty good to have questions that are not necessarily overly risque in nature, and that can lead to good stories..
Here were some of the non-risque ones that we remembered anyway. Feel free to add ones underneath if you want.
Never have I ever..
- saved a life
- had my life saved
- Knowingly broken the law
- been caught breaking the law
- been arrested.
- stared death in the face
- broken a bone
- broken some else's bone
- deliberately injured someone else?
- injured yourself in a very stupid manner
- brought something through customs that you really shouldn't have
- fallen asleep in an inappropriate place
- fallen asleep at an inappropriate time
- sent texts or messages pretending to be someone else, that led to that person getting into an awkward situation
- been involved in a fight
- been involved in a fight with more than 5 people involved
- knowlingly shattered someone else's dreams
- accidentaly shattered someone else's dreams
- stayed awake continually, missing more than two nights of sleep in a row
- slept more than 12 hours straight
- slept more than 100 hours in any 7-day week
- been in a road traffic accident.
- been on the receiving end of a burglary
- Entered someone's locked home without their permission