Lahinch Trip 2016!!!

Everything trip related goes here, everything related to on-the-water stuff.

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Our Lahinch Trip is taking place from Friday the 30th September to 2nd of October. This is the end of Week 4.

This is often the best trip of a persons college life, so make sure not to miss it.

The trip will be an insight into the craic filled discipline of surf kayaking.

The cost of the trip is €35 and includes accommodation, transport and breakfast/dinner while there.

There will also be a fancy dress party on the Saturday night with the theme being criminals. So get thinking!!

Signup will start this Tuesday 13th at the pool where we'll be collecting at minimum a €20 deposit. Signup will continue at each pool session until all spaces are full. Numbers are limited so deposit is required to confirm your place. The remainder is due on or before Thursday 29th if not paid in full initially.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or any if us at the pool.
The Fresh Prince of Kildare.
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Hi lads,

Is there a registration form?

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Big Man On The Board Now
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You just sign up at the pool Dan.

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Hey Guys!!

So as Lahinch is less than two weeks away that means FINAL PAYMENT is due for the trip. For anyone who has payed deposits all you have left to pay is €15, for those of ye who have only put your name down you still have the full €35 to pay. Payments can be made at any of the pool sessions to me Brian or Meghan this week or if for some reason you can't make it to the pool just message me on facebook and we can arrange a spot to meet up during the day. Deadline for these payments is Friday 23rd of September (end of week 3).

For those of you who prefer bank transfer that is still an option just remember to put your name and the trip as the ref e.g.: 'KatieReidyLahinch'

The clubs bank details are;
NSC: 905950
ACC NO: 21728543
IBAN: IE65BOFI90595021728543

Just post below that you've paid with your reference number.

The sign up is currently full but if you decide you want to come on one of the best weekends of semester we can put you on the waiting list incase anyone drops out!!
Last edited by katiereidy25 on Wed Sep 21, 2016 12:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
Why cant it be as easy to keep track of the lads I've been with, as it is with the club money.

Hey, Quick question , what time would we be leaving on the Friday, need to clear it with work.

Eoin Hayes
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Cathal is bringing money to the pool tonight for me.

Couldn't get to the pool this week to pay for the rest of the Lahinch Trip so iv sent it via bank transfer , my ref is 'EoinHayesLahinch'

Eoin Hayes
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Why cant it be as easy to keep track of the lads I've been with, as it is with the club money.
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Na na na na na na Nash Nash
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Paid the last €15 there by bank transfer, reference JessieLLahinch

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