i paddled the 9R in wicklow its s o fast and smooth feels like the glides on the water.
i loved how playful it was even though it was quite long it felt so small.
i liked how without even adjusting the foot plate i felt snug and ready to go in it.
i think it would be a great club boat because it is quite stable and long which makes learning basic strokes very easy at the start but it is also very good boat to replace the remix (sorry for breaking it) it is fast smooth carves very well super playful and outfitting is simple but affective.
myself and gav were ferry gliding with with our eyes closed and it felt like we were on autopilot on a trickily eddy line.
BEST MOMENT: doing pop outs in jacksons i wrecken id loop it next time haha
Only paddled it a small bit on castleconnel but even just sitting in it for that short a time I can tell it's a great boat. Feels fast and really smooth to paddle. Very responsive to edging and paddle strokes. Definitely agree that it should replace the remix as it is on its last legs now
Mac wrote:i liked how without even adjusting the foot plate i felt snug and ready to go in it.
Because I'm the same height as you!
I paddled it in Wicklow too. Probably needed a lot more water and more time in it to get a full opinion but its definitely very fast, turns very fast for a boat so long and its ridiculously fun. Definitely encourages a lot of edging to get the most out of it. Would be a great boat to have for just having fun on a river or whatever but I think it would be wasted if it was going to be given to a river leader week in, week out and not allowed to be used for what it was made for!
Also, I noticed from Brian paddling it last Saturday that the seat is already starting to move and become loose so the Pyranha outfitting is an issue once again.
Sheep, like all wool-bearing animals, instinctively travel north, where it's colder, and they won't be so stuffy.
Paddled it for a bit on the Boluisce. Don't like the outfitting much but it is a lot of fun to paddle. I think Gav is right to want to buy one and would strongly consider it if I was buying my own boat.
As for club boats the 2 year rule was brought in so that boats are sold before they crack and while they still have a good resale value. The remix would have been one of the ones we sold on this 2 year rule had it not been cracked multiple times after a little over a years use. Now it spends the majority of it's time in the repair pile, was welded for Galwayfest and recracked on its first run and isn't suitable for trips like Wales or the Alps anymore because it's guaranteed to crack again. It was an expensive boat and is now useless to us.
A few raptors were sold this year, we got back over 2/3's of what we paid and with that upgraded to new ones. The same happened with Mamba's last year. A lot of boats have proven themselves as good purchases to us and I will always push to get those. Maybe there is an argument to be made for the 9R as a club boat but I would hate to see it replace the remix as our most sought after but always unusable boat after only a year. I know people want a fast racing boat for races but we buy our boats for scraping down CC and still lasting us which I don't think the 9R will do, whether it be the palstic or outfitting breaks first.
BrianOMahony wrote:Paddled it for a bit on the Boluisce. Don't like the outfitting much but it is a lot of fun to paddle. I think Gav is right to want to buy one and would strongly consider it if I was buying my own boat.
As for club boats the 2 year rule was brought in so that boats are sold before they crack and while they still have a good resale value. The remix would have been one of the ones we sold on this 2 year rule had it not been cracked multiple times after a little over a years use. Now it spends the majority of it's time in the repair pile, was welded for Galwayfest and recracked on its first run and isn't suitable for trips like Wales or the Alps anymore because it's guaranteed to crack again. It was an expensive boat and is now useless to us.
A few raptors were sold this year, we got back over 2/3's of what we paid and with that upgraded to new ones. The same happened with Mamba's last year. A lot of boats have proven themselves as good purchases to us and I will always push to get those. Maybe there is an argument to be made for the 9R as a club boat but I would hate to see it replace the remix as our most sought after but always unusable boat after only a year. I know people want a fast racing boat for races but we buy our boats for scraping down CC and still lasting us which I don't think the 9R will do, whether it be the palstic or outfitting breaks first.
please only talk about the 9R brian thank you hahaha
Seeing as so many people enjoy paddling it why don't we take the chance? I know ye don't want it broken and that's 100% understandable but as you said, we have a boathouse full of reliable boats we can get 2/3's back on after 2 years. Surely that means we can afford to have one boat that is a shot in the dark and may/may not break, simply because a lot of our members enjoy paddling it. Is it not also worth mentioning that the liquidlogic plastic is surely different to pyranha? Just because its a racing boat doesn't mean it will break...yea our first racing boat broke but try a different one, see how it goes, then have the arguement whether it's a waste of money or not, could have been a bad batch of plastic for the remix, who knows?!
BrianOMahony wrote:Paddled it for a bit on the Boluisce. Don't like the outfitting much but it is a lot of fun to paddle. I think Gav is right to want to buy one and would strongly consider it if I was buying my own boat.
As for club boats the 2 year rule was brought in so that boats are sold before they crack and while they still have a good resale value. The remix would have been one of the ones we sold on this 2 year rule had it not been cracked multiple times after a little over a years use. Now it spends the majority of it's time in the repair pile, was welded for Galwayfest and recracked on its first run and isn't suitable for trips like Wales or the Alps anymore because it's guaranteed to crack again. It was an expensive boat and is now useless to us.
A few raptors were sold this year, we got back over 2/3's of what we paid and with that upgraded to new ones. The same happened with Mamba's last year. A lot of boats have proven themselves as good purchases to us and I will always push to get those. Maybe there is an argument to be made for the 9R as a club boat but I would hate to see it replace the remix as our most sought after but always unusable boat after only a year. I know people want a fast racing boat for races but we buy our boats for scraping down CC and still lasting us which I don't think the 9R will do, whether it be the palstic or outfitting breaks first.
please only talk about the 9R brian thank you hahaha
Yo Mac, are there any undisclosed ulterior motives for this thread?!
Also... WE HAVE A 9R?? I'm missing all the news these days! ...I guess that should be 'ye' have a 9R now... Well wear anyway, it should be great craic on CC. Bar the usual outfitting and grab loop issues Burns have always lasted well for us, the 9R should be the same. They should rip on CC and pretty much everywhere else the club paddles, the only place I've seen them run into trouble is this year's Ennistymon race in huge water levels. The nose rails kept getting caught and thrown off line by waves.
haha no no keyes no secret motives haha i was only joking with brian. don't worry about it caoimhe just joking with brian
i just thought this thread would be a great way to see how much people enjoy paddling the boat which in my option makes it a perfect club boat cos it helps increase peoples passion for the sport.
EoinK wrote:Yo Mac, are there any undisclosed ulterior motives for this thread?!
Also... WE HAVE A 9R?? I'm missing all the news these days! ...I guess that should be 'ye' have a 9R now... Well wear anyway, it should be great craic on CC. Bar the usual outfitting and grab loop issues Burns have always lasted well for us, the 9R should be the same. They should rip on CC and pretty much everywhere else the club paddles, the only place I've seen them run into trouble is this year's Ennistymon race in huge water levels. The nose rails kept getting caught and thrown off line by waves.
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Keyes we had a 9R demo and everyone who got to paddle it loved it so the club is considering buying one but we don't actually own one.... yet.
Also while the outfitting seems to be a problem (just going on reports, I didn't paddle it) the old shit fabric grab loops on the burn 2 have been replaced by metal ones on the 9R and Burn 3. They are way better than before.
I had forgotten about the grab loops Patrick, good point. Just make sure to tighten all the bolts occasionally (quippies!!) so and ye should get years out of one.
I paddled the 9r on the upper Boluisce as far as top drop then I changed over to the toro that Brian was using to run top drop as I was worried about making bits of the 9r on top drop and Brian also hadn't tried the 9r before. Am it was actually great to go from one racing creaker to another. Am the 9r when you pick up speed the nose goes up so much like you won't get the nose wet it mad how much it goes above the water. Am the 9r was much more reactive than the Toro. The 9r I found more comfortable for me anyways. But the 9r sits really bad on your shoulder, so would be horrible for a long portage. Am I find the toro just wants to go down rivers fast but the 9r will go down rivers fast but also let you catch Eddie's easier than the toro Will as most of the boats length is out of the water. Also used the 9r on CC
I've used the toro a good few times and find it's not as agile as most boats I use regular like the xtCreek, xt300 and raptors.
Last edited by Diarmaid_Moloney on Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:01 am, edited 3 times in total.