Thinking of buying a creeker

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In fairness my Exo has gotten dogs abuse and Jack's was wrapped around a tree...

Any of the big displacement hull boats probably aren't ideal for what you're going to be doing, it would kinda be like bringing a monster truck to a rally stage.

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EoinK wrote:In fairness my Exo has gotten dogs abuse and Jack's was wrapped around a tree...

Any of the big displacement hull boats probably aren't ideal for what you're going to be doing, it would kinda be like bringing a monster truck to a rally stage.

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What wud u buy eoin uf u were buying a boat in the morning
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It would depend what paddling I was planning to do. Probably a Tuna if I had plans for big volume creeking or a 9R if I was going to give the race league a proper go. For having the most fun possible on Irish rivers and even anything the club paddles in the Alps the XT 300 is still the best boat I've paddled.

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EoinK wrote:It would depend what paddling I was planning to do. Probably a Tuna if I had plans for big volume creeking or a 9R if I was going to give the race league a proper go. For having the most fun possible on Irish rivers and even anything the club paddles in the Alps the XT 300 is still the best boat I've paddled.

Gav made me change this.

Thanks Eoin must give it a go had it for the weekend but nobody want to paddle in cork on Sunday :(
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EoinK wrote:For having the most fun possible on Irish rivers and even anything the club paddles in the Alps the XT 300 is still the best boat I've paddled.

Gav made me change this.
Umm.. No invested interests there I see. ;)

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If there was a vested interest they would have given me a new one ages ago, and unless I really liked it why would I still paddle that all the time when there's a whole shed full of boats to choose from in UL?

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I tried out the medium and large Burns recently and the Exo is much better than either of them.

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So why no mention of trusty Zet raptor is it just a progressive boat but not for consideration as you push on to more difficult grade 4 and above rivers?
There is usually pandemonium to get a raptor for trips and I'm pretty sure they are the most numerous boat we have in the club.
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Johnkelly1989 wrote:So why no mention of trusty Zet raptor is it just a progressive boat but not for consideration as you push on to more difficult grade 4 and above rivers?
There is usually pandemonium to get a raptor for trips and I'm pretty sure they are the most numerous boat we have in the club.
I think we buy Raptors in the club because they are a great all round boat. Male or female, 60kg - 100kg and whatever type of paddler you are, a Raptor will usually do the job for you. They have wicked good plastic, a 5 year warranty and very simplistic outfitting which doesn't break as much as other boats.

As for the fact that everyone rushes to get one....I don't really understand either. I think we have heaps of other boats that are much more fun but Raptors are very reliable and predictable on the water.
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As for the fact that everyone rushes to get one....I don't really understand either. I think we have heaps of other boats that are much more fun but Raptors are very reliable and predictable on the water.

Raptors are very forgiving and easy, so all the soft people go for the easy option to compensate :p
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Diarmaids reaction to scoring a sick burn...

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Diarmaid said this and then realised he uses a drysuit, Jackson and pogies...
I think raptors are just a solid all round boat. You can't do wrong with them. There is also fact that you can be fairly sure it won't break on you. Also a XT Creek is good boat.
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stephenodea wrote:Diarmaid said this and then realised he uses a drysuit, Jackson and pogies...
Pot calling the kettle black...
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You knowi didn't say that when it didn't start with Roite
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Stephen, Ill sell you a pair of pogies for a tenner?

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