Darkness into light 5k run

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Hey guys,
Ye probably all have heard of pieta house's darkness into light 5km over the past few years. Pieta house does amazing work for suicide prevention and suicide awareness around Ireland.
This year, limerick City is one of the 80 host venues across the world. I will be taking part and was wondering if any of you would fancy joining me? (A long shot I realise) but I know I saw some of ye at the plassey 10k so 5k should be a walk in the park! You are also able to walk it if running isn't your thing!
It is taking place on Saturday the 9th of May, starting at 4:15am. Yes ,that's right ,AM! The point being that when we cross the finish line the sun will just be rising. The start/finish line is thomond park.

So let me know if ye're interested! It's an amazing cause, definitely worth our support!
Email: laura.os29@hotmail.com
Phone: 0871206381
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How much is it Laura?
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Too Many posts you should SLLLOWW-DOWWNN!
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€15 for students :)
Email: laura.os29@hotmail.com
Phone: 0871206381
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