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Boat house clean up!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 7:01 pm
by Darraghlehane98
Well, lads,
As we can all see the boathouse has been in an awful mess for the past few weeks which is expected with everyone out training hard for varsities. I am planning a boathouse clean up on Monday the 24th of February. There will be free pizza there for everyone who comes and helps out. There will be a skip there for all old broken gear gone beyond heir use. The clean up will start at 7.30. We will have stations for fixing decks and wetsuits and broken boats. If as many people as possible could make it that would be class.

Re: Boat house clean up!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 7:09 pm
by eidindowling
Darraghlehane98 wrote:Well, lads,
As we can all see the boathouse has been in an awful mess for the past few weeks which is expected with everyone out training hard for varsities. I am planning a boathouse clean up on Monday the 24th of February. There will be free pizza there for everyone who comes and helps out. There will be a skip there for all old broken gear gone beyond heir use. The clean up will start at 7.30. We will have stations for fixing decks and wetsuits and broken boats. If as many people as possible could make it that would be class.
Stella and I will be there

Re: Boat house clean up!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 7:10 pm
by Luke_flannery
Yeah I’ll be down

Boat house clean up!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 7:18 pm
by RobCampbell
Ya I’ll help out

Edit: Can no longer go

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Re: Boat house clean up!!!!

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:28 pm
by DanielOReilly
I'll be there

Re: Boat house clean up!!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 4:52 pm
by Thomas_Reidy
I'll give a hand sure

Re: Boat house clean up!!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 5:03 pm
by StephenWatkins
I'll be there

Re: Boat house clean up!!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2020 11:01 am
by BrianOMahony
My first aid kit and storm shelter are in a 5L green dry bag like below. Thought it was in my boat, did anyone see it during the cleanup?