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AGM Monday 30th of January

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 12:35 am
by katiereidy25
30th of JANUARY
7PM (6:30 PM to help set up)
Location: TBC

It's that time of year again to elect a new committee for the club! Any registered club member is eligible for all committee positions, it doesn't matter if you're a brand new fresher or if you've spent your whole college life in the club as long as you think you'd be good at a particular role the job can be yours :D !!

Now that there's about two weeks to go you need to start thinking long and hard about what job would suit you (or if you thought a job would be well suited to someone else). You must be reasonable about this and make sure you are committed in giving time needed to do the job as best you can, not all positions are suited to everyone and some do take up a fair bit more time over others and require that bit more organisation. If you are thinking about going for any of the positions talk to the current committee members and see exactly what the job entails; here is a list that Brian put up about all committee positions, what the responsibilities are and who currently holds that position (viewtopic.php?f=79&t=19477) everyone's more than happy to answer any questions.

It's a brand new clean slate for the club so all committee positions are up for grabs!! It doesn't matter what rumours you hear over the next few weeks no one is definitely on the 2017 committee so even if you only joined the club this year you've just as much of a chance as any other member of getting any position so dream big!!
  • If anyone would like to add something to the agenda please e-mail no later than Tuesday the 24th of January at 6pm.
One last tip; discuss who you think would be good at what positions if you want, but remember to vote for who you genuinely think would do the best job, rather than voting for someone just because they're your friend or because the person beside you is voting for them. Remember this is your committee for the next year and it will be down to them to make sure the club runs smoothly.

Best of Luck!! :D

We hope to see many of you there!! (P.S Please show face even if you don't want to go for anything we need to reach quorum to make this official :) )

Re: AGM Monday 30th of January

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 12:53 pm
by katiereidy25
If anyone is interested in taking on the role of club treasurer but is worried about being in charge of the budget or not exactly sure of what it is, there's a workshop with Michelle (the person in charge of all SU budgets) on Monday the 30th of January 6-7 pm (so just before the AGM) in the SU Room 3, in which she runs through your role in the club, and goes through in detail what the budget is and how you look after it.

It's one of the most important jobs in the club but it's really simple to do once you keep on top of it so even if there's only a slight chance you'll go for that job it's worth while going to.

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Re: AGM Monday 30th of January

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 5:34 pm
by EoinK

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Re: AGM Monday 30th of January

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:40 pm
by Mark Fitz
Location is confirmed as KBG13

See ye all there :)

Re: AGM Monday 30th of January

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 3:32 pm
by BrianOMahony
Thanks everyone who made it to the AGM last night, definitely the biggest turnout I've seen in my time. The presentation I made is below and includes who was elected into each position for anyone who missed it. Well done and good luck to all of them.
AGM Presentation.pdf
(1.7 MiB) Downloaded 200 times

Re: AGM Monday 30th of January

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 5:25 pm
by GavinSheehan
Definitely the biggest turn out in a long long time!

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