End of Year Barbeque
Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 6:53 pm
Yoo Hoo - Big Summer Blowout

We will be having our annual end of year BBQ behind the UL Boathouse on Sunday May 15th @ 7pm after Alps packing (details of which are here). If you're finished exams, come down for a night of celebration. If you're not finished exams (dose), come down anyway! And if you have no exams at all, what excuse could you have?
BYOB and BYOM. Banter will be supplied by all members and friends of ULKC. Bring anyone you wish! We look forward to seeing you all.

We will be having our annual end of year BBQ behind the UL Boathouse on Sunday May 15th @ 7pm after Alps packing (details of which are here). If you're finished exams, come down for a night of celebration. If you're not finished exams (dose), come down anyway! And if you have no exams at all, what excuse could you have?
BYOB and BYOM. Banter will be supplied by all members and friends of ULKC. Bring anyone you wish! We look forward to seeing you all.