I-Canoe Gear Order

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Mark make you own sling order the tube webbing costs about a euro a meter from I-CANOE.
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Mark Fitz
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Honestly would injure myself sewing it, and wouldn't trust the sewing afterwards either :?
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Just tie it. No need to sew
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Hi Brian!

Could I get stuff please!

MAC Coltellerie 697 Rescue Knife (x2 Please)
http://www.i-canoe.com/en/Safety_and_Re ... .2595.html

Smiley's Noseplugs
http://www.i-canoe.com/en/Helmets.29/He ... s.153.html

Should be 27.01 that I owe you!
Eoghan Calnan
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You got three things that were exactly €10 each. 20% off is €24. And where did the one cent come from?
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BrianOMahony wrote:You got three things that were exactly €10 each. 20% off is €24. And where did the one cent come from?
I just plugged it into the Cart and got the total from there. There was like a 10% discount I think.

(That 1cent was going to be for yourself.)
Eoghan Calnan
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Are you at the boathouse tomorrow for Wicklow Brian? I have to give you the voucher for this at some point before 6 tomorrow isnt that right?

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Have I ever mentioned that I love ZET Raptors??? Just sayin'
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Brian O'Mahony in a manner that can only be described as clear and explicit wrote:The club will be putting in an I-Canoe order on Friday October 30th at 6:00pm. As usual we are opening this up to the club because we usually get a 20% discount.
Josh; I like your style kid. That'd be great.
Keeping the Boo's at Bae

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Gentle reminder, only items ordered before 6 o clock today will be bought. Don't miss out if there's anything you want for some upcoming trips. It's a cold winter coming up and good booties/shoes, neoprene socks, neoprene hats and all that other warm shizz might serve you well.
Keeping the Boo's at Bae

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That cheeky signature though.....
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Not as cheeky as Jack's plagiarized profile.

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I must get a signature.

Could I get this as well though? I'll let you calculate the price.
http://www.i-canoe.com/en/Accessories__ ... .2483.html

(That'd be the right size for four piece splits wouldn't it?)
Eoghan Calnan
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Eoghanc wrote:(That'd be the right size for four piece splits wouldn't it?)
This is what I got and it was a tiny bit too small, all depends on what the length of the bag is. They have a 20L one too that is the same height and just wider diameter so wouldn't do, bigger volume doesn't necessarily mean longer...
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Sure I'll have a use for it anyway!
Eoghan Calnan
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