The Salmon fishing season is over on September 30th and there may not be any fish spawning there at the moment but just don't go up there. I personally can't see the appeal of going up to a tiny little rapid to scrape down rocks while all the while you're just doing more and more damage to any sort of good relationship that might have existed between the fishermen and ULKC/UL.
You might think it's alright to go up Stephen but you aren't the one that has to send countless emails and make loads of phone calls to try and defuse a situation when the fishermen threaten to blockade the boathouse or chase us with boats. They may be in the wrong but I for one would rather not make the situation any worse. It has to be sorted this winter before the next Salmon season. This process is going to start with a meeting with Inland Fisheries in the coming weeks.
The ESB are instructed by law and by the Shannon Fisheries Act 1935 to preserve and protect the integrity of the river and the species of fish etc that live in it but also not to hamper any navigation. Here's an article about it and the actual act itself: ... leconnell/ ... d/en/print
From my reading of it we are actually entitled to paddle where we want as long as the ESB have no issues with it, which for now they don't. They want us the paddle all of the sections and use the river. Inland Fisheries also are in favour of equal use of the river by all parties. But the ESB also have the responsibility to protect the fishery...which they aren't doing and haven't been ever since Ardnacrusha was built.
There is a general EU directive for protected species; Article 17(, which includes Lamprey Eels, many of which spawn on the Shannon and Mulkear and they for sure spawn between Thomand Bridge and The Living Bridge. I have seen them.
So I think there's 2 issues. One of them is the salmon fishery which the ESB control and do not want to and have never wanted to. As a result they are giving us more free reign and this has been majorly upsetting all of the Lower Shannon ( The Mulkear downwards, Plassey etc) fishermen and has made this mess even worse.
The other issue is that the fishermen are now using the Lamprey Eels conservation initiative as a safety net to tell us not to paddle above the bridge and disturb their Salmon fishing. But there is no actual area outlined where the eels are to be protected( As Cathal said it's just the whole area is specified as "protected"). It's just a general directive.
If this is ever to be completely resolved, every single party needs to sit down and outline what they want but that will never happen because the fishermen have no time for the ESB and if they had their way they would kick every other water user off the Shannon and use it exclusively for fishing. The ESB want to be relinquished of the management of the Shannon but that's not going to happen either. It would have to go all the way to government and a new Act would have to be written up and passed and nobody will ever see that through. So we will have to come to an agreement between ourselves and Limerick District Anglers and Plassey Anglers and The Inland Fisheries and try and get ourselves sorted and have more ground to stand on. If we can get it agreed with these organisations it will at least definitely settle tensions next year as all of our members and all of their members will know exactly where everyone stands. The guys who are fishing without a licence can be forgotten about as they have no right to be fishing on any beats.
As for now, I think we should stay below the Black Bridge and do absolutely nothing to raise tensions or degrade what little relationship there still exists between the kayakers who use the Lower Shannon and the fishermen. They paint us all with the same brush so if one of us or one club does something, they think we all do it. So lets not be the ones to do anything stupid. They have been fishing the area at Plassey for hundreds of years. Let them have it for now until we can come to an agreement. I would be of the opinion to let them have all they want at Kilmurry Rapids and that area. We have unrestricted use of Castleconnell and everything below the Black Bridge. It's more than enough for us.
Here's a few interesting articles about what the river used to be like before the power station was built: ... r-shannon/
Sheep, like all wool-bearing animals, instinctively travel north, where it's colder, and they won't be so stuffy.
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