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UL vs NUIG Freestyle Comp Night

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:29 am
by mmmm_scandalous
Hey lads

Going along with Sam on upping the level of freestyle in the club.

How about a comp night between NUIG and UL in the UL sports arena?

It would be a great way to get people training.

NUIG never get to train indoors so they'd be delighted.

And the resulting night out would be ridiculous fun!!

It could be opened to more uni's too but remember that everyone that comes down has to be accommodated in a house. That's the limiting factor on numbers really.

Insurance wise. What happens when teams come down to play polo matches? If it's a comp do they not have to pay membership?

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Re: UL vs NUIG Freestyle Comp Night

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:34 am
by GavinSheehan
Technically anyone who uses our pool during our pool times has to be a member. It's different for MPL because it's not related to us but for polo friendlies and stuff everyone should be a member but I don't think it's really been enforced even though it should.

Re: UL vs NUIG Freestyle Comp Night

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:26 pm
by JackPhelan
I think as long as they have their own insurance that covers them it's fine, that's what was done last year for any polo friendlies anyway

Re: UL vs NUIG Freestyle Comp Night

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:04 pm
by AndrewRegan
Great idea. Offer them floorspace and a night out partying aswell and you have a done deal.