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Easter Castleconnell Trips

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 10:40 pm
by richardrmwd
hey Guys,

Throw your name down if you are interested in getting up early and hitting the Castleconnell for quick morning sessions.
Leave your name, your leadership ability, and/or your transport providing capacity.

e.g. Johnny, cannot lead, Can drive and bring three with roof racks for boats.

Oxygen to the brain for a day of studying.
Endorphins into the system for a day of smiling.
Kayak fun into your life for pre-alps goodness!

If we get the numbers and the cars we can run this trip!

Re: Easter Castleconnell Trips

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 1:23 pm
by MikeShaw
By Easter I presume you mean study week,

However I will be around from midday ish on friday till late monday this coming weekend and looking to paddle,

Lvl 4, can lead maybe have access to a car