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Name: Cormac Rowe
Date: 19th October 2014
Location: Crana Fest

Reason: Crana Fest, probably the best padding I've done so far managed to do the claw a few times :) anyway. Intermediate Boatcross on the Sunday, I was ready for it and after coming first in the heats and second round, I was all set for the final. About half way it was neck and neck between me and the notorious Sam O'Connor, when some knob jockey decides to come across my line and spin in front of me so after swerving around him, there was alot of ground to cover in a short space of time so I decided to take a line I hadn't done before on the last stopper before the finish line in the hope I would claim 4th place at least.
I knew when I hit the stopper sideways it wasnt going to end well. Surely enough the water consumed myself and mamba and after being churned around for about 10seconds I pulled my deck and surfaced to see Howard and Luke laughing their heads off :p

Emotional Issues arising from the event: A big aul laugh :p

Person requiring rescue pint: Well, I was thrown a rope after I was half way out on a rock [OK HAND SIGN]

Swim Bootie Y/N: Nay
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Name: Luke kelly
Date: 27th October 14
Location: Roy, Scotland.

Shitty Excuse: I went to Scotland at a whim with people I didn't really know just to get out paddling! The country ended up flooded and on our first day we did the Roy a grade 3 as a warm up. But it was a lot bigger than grade 3?when we got to it. I was nervous and the one thing we scouted was like a flare over a hole. I glanced at it and went back to my boat so not to spook myself got straight in and headed over to it turns out I was all wrong as I didn't really look at it at all. Got stuck in the hole and after a battle of wits I swam...

Emotional issues: I wasn't too phased by it, and everybody just congratulated me on a good swim... I liked those people. The only thing I was worried about was the club boat! I sent anybody who chased me after the boat instead #THEFEAROFGOD!

Rescue pints: Alan and Neil

Swim booty: to be done!

Now catch up people!
Emer Farrell!
Sean murphy!
Andrew regan!

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Name of Swimmer: Andrew
Date: 28/10/14
Location: Clare Glens
Shitty excuse: Got caught a bit left in the slower water in the lead in to Big Eas and lost my momentum towards the curler that needs to be punched on that level to get left on the drop. The curler wouldn't let me through and pushed me right. Hit my boof but it didn't really matter as the water was so messy and boily it flipped me and gave me a beatdown under the falls. Thought i was going for a nasty swim in the right pocket of the falls so bailed early to save oxygen thankful that Barry was there with a rope. As it turned out the water pushed me out the left side of the falls and I was able to scramble to shore and was about to go boat chasing before I realized Calvin was swimming aswell and was hurt.

Emotional Issues arising from the event: First swim in Ireland since 2010 in the exact same location, was long over due. Recognising the usefulness of a waist harness throwline as my bag was in my boat going downstream when Calvin was in trouble.

Persons requiring rescue pints: Got all my own gear but will buy Barry a can for getting Calvin on a rope or things might have escalated badly.

Swim bootie Not yet! Soooooon

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Name of Swimmer: NIall

Date: 15/11/14

Location: Da Flesk

Shitty excuse: Had run the drop the week before in lower water and the left line was clean, higher water turned it into a lovely hole but couldn't see that over the horizon line. Solo'd the drop, hole pulled my back and flipped me into an undercut, paddles got wedged, swam without anyone knowing. Pulled myself and the boat out of the hole by clawing along the gorge wall. The air in my drysuit provided enough buoyancy to keep my head above the water while I was in the hole! Great success.

Emotional Issues arising from the event: First swim in about four years, very sobering event.

Persons requiring rescue pints: Owe myself a bottle of bucky.

Swim bootie on the way.
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haha which rapid on the flesk?
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Name: Gavin Sheehan

Date: 10/1/15

Location: Top Drop, Boluisce, Co.Galway

Shitty excuse: It being the Varsities Captains and Safeties weekend, I decided to test out the safety skills of the other colleges by giving them a chance to test their throw rope skills......It was 1.8 on the gauge and after performing the quickest back deck roll of my life on the run in, I knew it wasn't going to end well. Dropped into the top section and lost all my speed. Tried to get going again and managed to get up to the right side of the drop only to be rejected by the curler and dumped into the hole at the bottom. Supposedly I back-looped and looped before getting torn out of my boat(a pulling of the deck was pretty imminent anyway) and people said I kept my cool but it certainly didn't feel that way in my head...

Emotional Issues arising from the event: Let go of my beloved Sheeba and thought I had lost her forever. I've booked me and her in for counselling over the next few weeks to try and repair our relationship.

Persons requiring rescue pints: I think it was Aran Kilroy that roped me out of there but the whole thing was very blurry.

Swim Bootie Y/N (Evidence): Not yet....
Sheep, like all wool-bearing animals, instinctively travel north, where it's colder, and they won't be so stuffy.

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Total of two mexico swims and they were in the same location

Name: Mark
Date: First Day paddling mexico.
Location: Some really small slide on roadside section.
Shitty excuse: Didn't pay any attention to the guy that scouted and told me to go left. Went right got stuck at a little whirlpool hole thing. Pretty sure it's easy to paddle out of and all.
Emotional Issues arising from the event: None. Happy with the other rolls put in when it counted.
Persons requiring rescue pints: self rescue
Swim Bootie Y/N (Evidence) Never drinking outta booties that have been to mexico.. Possibly the most contaminated place on earth.

So actually swam there again on the second week.. I think I did it more out of tradition than anything else.
Eyjafjallajökull Eyjafjallajökull consists of a volcano completely covered by an ice cap. The ice cap covers an area of about 100 square kilometres (39 sq mi), feeding many outlet glaciers. The main outlet glaciers are to the north; Gígjökull,
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Name: Conall Sweeney
Date: 24/01/15
Location: Twern, Co. Wales

Shitty excuse: Well it was during a rescue... I was trying to save a paddle near the end of the river and ended up underneath a tree. I was holding on, nearly having my boat upright again, and young Sam barged the boat into my chest. This put me further underneath the tree, sealing my fate! Sam also crashed into me himself for good measure...

Emotional Issues arising from the event: Nothing too major... My relationship with Sam has taken a hit though!

Persons requiring rescue pints: Not Sam...

Swim Bootie Y/N (Evidence): No
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Name: Cormac Rowe
Date: 22/01/15
Location: The Dee, Wales

Shitty excuse:
Great first run before a hole. Tried to boof the hole the second time although since I was still novice at boofing I ended up edging the wrong way and leaning back so inevitably capsized. Tried to roll but the flow was too strong it was at this stage I decided to lean forward and evacuate...

Emotion issues arising from the event:
Drank my issues away with sambuca shots ;)

Persons requiring rescue pints: swam to the bank.

Swim Bootie: Yea buddy, fresh from the dee.
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CormacRowe wrote:
Persons requiring rescue pints: swam to the bank.
And your boat just floated it's way back to you like a well trained dog yeah!? :P
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It's a great connection to have between man and boat :)
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Lads, this thread is gone awful quiet! I know of many swims that have happened since January! Get posting!
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Name Patrick Brennan
Date 24th of January 2015?
Location The Dee, Wales, The bottom of the difficult line near the get off.
Shitty Excuse: I got flipped on an eddy line due to lack of speed at the bottom and for some reason My roll refused to work all week :x. I think Eoin Howard has footage of it? Sinead Doran Eoghan Calnan and Diarmuid Moloney also swam here
Emotional issues: None It was hilarious.
Person Requiring rescue pints: I tried to pay Howard back but he refused the offer of free beer
Swim Bootie No I was told I didn't need to because of my roll being so unreliable
P.S. I swam 5 other times during the week in Wales but I'm not writing them all out
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Plenty of these to be filled out after the Alps trip!
Sheep, like all wool-bearing animals, instinctively travel north, where it's colder, and they won't be so stuffy.

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