Black Bridge Session

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Moderator: Rian O Connell

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First Black bridge session done today. Session was pontoon to the black bridge and back having to go around at least one arch. Did that three times. Times are as follows
  • Stephen (five): 6:45, 6:50, 6:45
  • Tom (9r): 6:30, 6:40, 6:36
  • Conor (axiom): 6:32, 6:45, 6:40
  • Karen (gola): 5:24, 5:15
  • Keith (gola): 4:58, 5:00, 4:53
To do this session all you need is some time keeping device. Start the clock on your first sprint, and then check the time you finish (record if possible). Dont stop the clock, and wait until the 10th/11th minute comes around to start your second black bridge and back(10 for golas, 11 for creekers). Repeat process for 3rd/4th ones (20th/22nd mintes etc.). If there's a group of you, set the slowest person off first and give each person different time gaps so that you all finish roughly at the same time. Roughly 20seconds between paddlers, and a minute between a creeker and gola is a good generic time.

Following on from my talk, this is generally a good session to build on your strength and speed. I think ideally do this in groups, cause you tend to push yourself harder when your chasing/being chased. Hopefully from this week on I'll be aiming to be heading to the boathouse for 7pm to do some session.

Overall though, very good performance from everyone and if peeps keep something like this up rather than mindlessly going to corbally and back every time, you will see a fair improvement in your paddling strength.
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30th April
5.26, 5.26, 5.33
Karen O'Sullivan
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