Sunset Paddle for Nepal

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As I'm sure most of you are aware, there was a massive earthquake in Nepal last week that has devastated the country. Mike Jones, a former club member and now the current Manager of UL Activity Centre is organising a paddle to raise funds for Nepal as part of the Pledge to Paddle for Nepal initiative. It'll take place this Friday night at 7:30pm in Killaloe. It's going to be a paddle on the lake into the sunset. All you need to bring is a tenner for the fundraising. I'll be going anyway and we have the van!

In other words: An excellent procrastination excuse for a very good cause.
Sheep, like all wool-bearing animals, instinctively travel north, where it's colder, and they won't be so stuffy.

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Sound gav I'll be there
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Anyone else for this?
Sheep, like all wool-bearing animals, instinctively travel north, where it's colder, and they won't be so stuffy.

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Na na na na na na Nash Nash
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There will be no sunset as it'll be raining all day.

Can we do this but on the glens! It'll be up for a lot of Friday! And we can still donate the tenner!

How many laps of the Glens can UL do for Nepal!
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Richie Moran and I are going so if I'll be around if there is anything you need me for
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Hey lads,

I'm not going to this anymore. There's a group doung the Glens and I believe this sunset paddle is still on regardless of the weather.
Sheep, like all wool-bearing animals, instinctively travel north, where it's colder, and they won't be so stuffy.

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If you want to give me money, I'll bring it out to Mike.
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