Ok, I think next week, just for the first one, we'll say only level 3 standard +. That's no-one who just started kayaking three weeks ago, but anyone who was kayaking before that should be fine.
From the following week (week 5) onwards, we'll open it up to anyone else who wants to come. Just be aware that there will be very little teaching done during these sessions, they're for people to train speed or fitness by themselves, or just chill out on the water for an hour. Or if you have a few people it'll be a good chance to throw a polo ball around.
Katie how does that sound to you? That plan is there because next week I want to go for a long paddle to get ready for the Liffey Descent the following weekend but after that I'll be able to supervise people up around the black bridge.
Yeah sounds perfect. In week 5 if you feel you're improving in the pool and are still interested in doing some flat water fitness training, post here or talk to us in the pool and we can go from there?