Val Sesia River Festival

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Moderator: Rian O Connell

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Na na na na na na Nash Nash
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Looks like we are getting into campertogno at a good time

Anybody want to enter any events? Besides the party :)
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While the events are good craic and there's a good buzz about the place, you'll probably find you'll get more water time if you avoid it during the day. Last year we had a savage day on the Sermenza with hardly a sinner in the place and got loads of uninterrupted time at auto-boof and got about 5 or 6 runs through the gorge. Likewise at the Egua, we got a good day there with very few others (and that can get fairly congested as fair as I know) on a day when the festival had brought the crowds elsewhere. Obviously then party like hoors at the campsite then in the evenings.
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I would like to enter a comp this year for the sake of it
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Na na na na na na Nash Nash
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It'd be good to do the Alpin team sprints. We were planning to go over some WW racing techniques anyway during the week!

Who wants to enter a team?
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I'm up for it.
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if we'll be there i'd go in a team but I'd rather do what connor suggested if possible
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Ethan wrote:if we'll be there i'd go in a team but I'd rather do what connor suggested if possible
DAMNIT ETHAN! There's one 'N' in Conor!!! It's written right above your post, you even had to read it in order to know what you were referencing! THAT'S LAZY AS SHIT. :evil:
A lot of truth is said in jest.....
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