Alps Packing

Everything related to our Alps trip this year

Moderator: StephenWatkins

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With just over a week before we set sail for Les Alps , its time to start packing your bags.

Packing will take place on Sunday the 13th of May from 2pm onwards.

It is essential everyone attends at some stage to ensure that your gear is in the minibus/sprinter. If you cannot make it down for whatever reason make sure to ask someone to pack your gear for you and to get it to Limerick before then.

This will be followed by the customary end of year Alps BBQ out the back of the boathouse around 7/8pm.

We will be very tight for space so please PACK LIGHT. You won't use half the stuff you bring. So please only pack the essentials.

There will only be room for you to have one bag for your kayaking gear and another bag for your everyday gear – no suitcases! If you’re unsure of what to bring, this list is a foolproof guide to what you’ll need.

For a full detailed list of what you should bring, check the link below: ... sp=sharing

***ALL your gear/bags have to be packed and at the boathouse for Sunday, even if you are going Week 2/3 it has to be packed and ready to go for Sunday, as you will only be allowed to bring a small carry on for the flights .***

Club Gear
- Any club gear you take needs to be signed out - At this stage most things should have a code on them but if it doesn't, Thomas and Peter will be there so just ask them to give you a code. If any codes are faded they will mark them again as well. Ensure all the gear has ULKC or our email on it.

- What you sign out is yours for the trip - If you sign out P178, S018 and BA038 these are the paddles, deck and BA you will use, and that you are responsible for looking after, for the duration for the trip. Any damage/loss incurred to any club gear which has been signed out under your name must be reported upon return on the signout sheet.

- Again if you will not be there for unpacking ensure you have asked someone who will be to report the damage/loss.

This is very important as we have to keep record of damages/losses for our budget to plan new purchases.

See ye all at packing. Enjoy the BBQ and most of all the trip!! :D

Eoin Hayes
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